What is really on Your Waiting Room TV

One of the most common reasons offices do not have HDTV digital patient education systems is the belief that patients want to be comforted by cable TV versus learning how to live healthier and manage their ailments. After being trapped in waiting rooms on Friday, July 10, I have realized that most offices have no clue what is on their waiting room television. Let me enlighten everyone.
Arrival- 8:45 am. Good Morning America was on. Last segment featured a pop musical act. Commercials were for two pharmaceutical companies, two feminine hygiene products, a local health system and a worker’s comp law firm.
9:00 am. Next show was Live with Kelly and Michael. The opening was about Twerking and its origins. The next segment was about sleeping positions and its effect on your relationship. The third segment was with the Lachey brothers that included inappropriate questions about their private lives. The next segments were two brothers from HGTV giving decorating tips and a grilling contestant. Aside from more commercials from the above sponsors, there were more class action law suit ads, another one for a different local health system, Cancer Centers of America, the Can-Can Sale at Shop Rite, ready to serve foods, and restaurant chains.
Lucky for me, I was still in the waiting room at 10 am. The Rachael Ray Show was next up. She began the show by telling parents to have their kids leave the room because they were going to talk about sex with Dr. Ruth and things may get steamy (big wink included). During the Dr. Ruth segment, thankfully ABC News broke in to show coverage of the flag being taken down in South Carolina. While this event is very important for our country and our future, the people in the waiting room were able to discuss their opinions on the topic. Not what you want before getting your blood pressure taken. And of course, the litany of drugs, beauty products, law suits, competitive health systems, and destructive food choices were all run between the segments.
Thankfully, I was able to leave at 10:30. I am glad that in the 1:45 that I was in the office, I was able to watch all of that garbage instead of learning how to care for my wife who had a mild concussion and how to better provide healthy life choices for my family. It really made me feel comforted to know my doctor cared.