5 Ways to Improve Patient Treatment Adherence
“How well are you following your treatment plan?” is definitely one of the most frustrating things a provider asks in a given day. It...

Reduce Your Patients’ Knowledge Deficit
Patient Knowledge Deficit is a very important measure used in a standard care plan. It recognizes the patient’s knowledge base on...

98% of Patients Cannot Recall the Risks Associated with Their Surgery
That statistic came from a presentation at 32nd Annual Congress, European Hernia Society, Istanbul, Turkey by Mohammed Uzzaman and his...

Demand Better Patient Education! Demand Halo Health!
“I want my Halo Health!” should be a rallying cry in every waiting area in the country. The time has come that daytime TV and...

Repetition is Key for Remembering
If you work in the public speaking arena, one of the first pointers is that a person needs to be hear a message 3-5 times to remember it...

Well Informed Patients are More Engaged!
The above findings were from a 2012 Blue Shield of California Foundation survey . This is common sense for most people in the healthcare...

How Digital Patient Education Systems Help Patient Navigators
Picture this scenario, you just got discharged from a quick stay in the hospital. You are sleep deprived with your nerves frayed,...

Help Your Patients Navigate their Health at their Bedside
Rehabilitation and traditional hospitals do a great job of educating their patients during their stay. They have systems that enable the...

Getting the Greatest Return Out Of Your Office Waiting Area
How about remaking your waiting area and turning it into a revenue source? Halo Health International, can help make a difference in your...