Is It Better to Educate or Engage First?
We had an interesting conversation in the office today regarding patient engagement and patient education. We were questioning whether...

Time to Remove TV from Waiting Rooms
How many more tragic events need to occur to upset your patients before you decide to consider a digital patient education station for...

Political Views Do Not Belong in Your Waiting Rooms
We were in a meeting the other day and one of the participants was particularly off color. Aside from being insensitive to others, the...

Time to Check Patient Engagement Programs Off Your To Do List…
Now that summer has unofficially ended, it is time to look at some of your goals for your office or health system. Aside from patient...

Changing the Perceived Culture of Indifference in Care
When CAHPS and other survey tools are provided to patients, they ask patients about the aspects of their experiences that are important...

Health Systems Need a Lesson on Integrated Marketing
As I sat through another conference that discussed how health care needs to get patients more engaged and focused on their health, I...